As we grow older (and wiser) everyone is changing. Mentally and physically. In these few lines I'll be talking about facial skin care. "The eyes are the mirror of the soul" but is the skin the mirror of our years, life experience, our habits?! Maybe a little bit of everything. I believe that a few factors have a huge impact on the look of our skin: genetics, nutrition, lifestyle and skin care.
For now, we can put genetics aside and focus on other three factors. Because these are the ones that we can influence.
I have very sensitive skin. My face tend to have redness and itchiness (at the cheekbones) and dry patches beneath cheekbones and around the chin. There is no specific time of the year when these conditions appear. For years I was struggling with these conditions: I went to a dermatologist, beautician, tried different moisturisers...but, nothing really helped.
The breaking moment was when I bought Bioderma AR (anti redness) cream. It calms redness and removes dry patches. It's really light on the skin and my skin feels hydrated and soft afterward applying it.
Relating to the skin hydration, of course I have to mention the water. I am not gonna bother you with that too much, because we all know the benefits of water, but, do we use our knowledge for the right purposes?!
Sometimes I drink 4 glasses of water per day and sometimes 6-8. I've noticed the difference (on my skin) especially when traveling. But, I think I found "an alternative" due to that travel days and lack of "real" water. Four months ago I started using rose water. Just a couple of spritcz is enough for keeping my skin soft and hydrated.
To finish this "inner care of the skin" I just want to mention few beneficial groceries that will help us stay hydrated: Cucumber, Celery, Radishes, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Cauliflower, Watermelon, Spinach, Broccoli, Strawberries, Grapefruit.
And last, but definitely not the least are facial massages. I massage my face using the techniques of Nichola Joss, the facialist (you can find her on You Tube). For that purpose I use argan oil. The best oil I've tried (most suitable for my skin). Argan oil absorbs quickly and does not leave an oily residue. It contains vitamin A and E which helps to reduce wrinkles.
If you haven't heard about argan oil please google it. it has so many benefits for the skin, the hair and I also use it when I am preparing salads.
When I finish with the massage I put my moisturiser on top. And then I can do my makeup or go straight to bed (depending on the part of the day). So, yes, I use it mornings and evenings.
For facial cleansing and makeup removing I use Bioderma and La Roche Posay micelar water and cleansing gel from Bioderma.
P.S. These are the products that I use daily and they work for me. I hope that someone else will also find this helpful.
Thank you for taking the time reading this 💓
Kako godine prolaze postajemo iskusniji, mudriji. Menjamo se mentalo i fizički. U ovih nekoliko redova opisaću svoju rutinu kada je nega lica u pitanju. "Oči su ogledalo duše" ali da li je koža ogledalo naših godina, životnog iskustva, navika?! Možda od svega po malo.
Verujem da nekoliko faktora značajno utiče na izgled naše kože: genetika, ishrana, stil života i nega.
Fokusiraću se na ova tri faktora (ishranu, stil života i negu - na njih možemo da utičemo 😊)
Moja koža lica je veoma osetljiva (sklona je crvenilu - najčešće na obrazima, osećam peckanje, pojavljuju mi se suvi delovi koji kao da se perutaju - u predelu između obraza i brade). Nezavisno od perioda godine ovakva stanja mogu da se pojave. Bila sam kod dermatologa, kozmetičarke, probala razne kreme ... ali mi nista nije pomoglo.
Ključni momenat je bio kada sam kupila Bioderminu kremu koja je za osetljivu kožu sklona crvenilu. Ona umiruje crvenilo lica i otklanja suve delove. Veoma hidrira kožu i čini je mekom.
Kada smo kod hidratacije ne mogu a da ne spomenem vodu. Svi znamo kakav voda ima uticaj na naš organizam, ali da li to znanje sprovodimo u prave svrhe?!
Ponekad popijem 4 čaše vode dnevno a ponekad 6-8. Primetila sam veliku razliku (na koži lica) posebno kada putujem. Tokom putovanja je nekad nezgodno da uzimam dovoljnu količinu tečnosti ali sam našla altrnativu, bar da odrzim kožu lica svežijom. Pre oko četiri meseca počela sam da koristim ružinu vodu. Naprskam je na lice i koža postaje svežija i hidriranija.
Spomenuću par namirnica koje će pospešiti hidriranost kože: krastavac, celer, rotkvica, paradajz, zelena paprika, karfiol, lubenica, spanać, brokoli, jagode, grejp.
I kao poslednje, ali nikako manje važno jesu masaže lica. Lice najčešće masiram uveče ali u poslednje vreme sam počela da ih praktikujem i ujutru kada osetim potrebu za tim (najčešće kada mi je lice natečeno). Na You-Tube-u ima dosta interesantnih videa o savetima za masažu lica ali moja trenutno omiljena tehnika je od kozmetičarke Joss (Nichola Joss). Za tu svrhu koristim arganovo ulje.
Arganovo ulje je najbolje ulje koje sam do sada probala. Koža ga lepo upija i ono ne ostavlja masne tragove na koži. Sadrži vitamine A i E koji smanjuju pojavu bora.
Ako slučajno niste čuli za arganovo ulje molim vas da izguglate. Sadrži toliko pogodnosti za kožu, kosu i koristi se u ishrani (ja ga koristim za pravljenje salata).
Kada završim sa masažom lica onda stavim kremu za lice.
Za čišćenje lica i za skidanje šminke koristim Bioderminu i La Roche Posay micelarnu vodu i Bodermin gel za čišćenje lica.
P.S. Ovo su proizvodi koje koristim svakodnevno i koji mi prijaju. Nadam se da će nekome ovi saveti biti korisni.
Hvala što ste izdvojili vreme za čitanje ovog teksta 💓
Bioderma: Sensibio AR
Argan Oil: Sure Native