October 2017 - Magic Contour

Friday, October 27, 2017


Friday, October 27, 2017 0
I still have not found the "little black dress" but as a replacement I have this lovely jumpsuit. It has everything I like - elegance, lace, frill and it's comfortable. The last one is very important to me, because I am not one of those person who buys tight jeans and they hopping that they will loosen from wearing. That is the reason why I went one size bigger jumpsuit than my usual size S, because it was tight in the waist. The bigger size fits perfectly šŸ˜‰
Fun Fact: The first jumpsuit which was meant as a fashion item was created in 1919 by the Italian artist and designer "thayaht". His goal was to design a stylish and fashionable outfit for the working class as a critique on the bourgeoisie of that time. Unfortunately, his plain failed after the Florentine upper class discovered his design and made in the fashion-item of that era.
Since the 1980s, jumpsuits are indispensable from the fashion industry. Even though it changed massively over the time, it's been trendy ever since.

JoÅ” uvek nisam naÅ”la "malu crnu haljinu" ali kao zamenu imam ovaj kombinezon. On ima sve Å”to mi se dopada - elegantanciju, čipku, karnere i veoma je udoban. Ovo poslednje mi je najvažnije, jer ja nisam jedna od onih osoba koje kupuju uske farmerice i nadaju se da će im se malo raÅ”iriti tokom noÅ”enja. Zbog toga sam kupila veći broj (moja uobičajena veličina je S ali me je malo stezala u struku). Broj M odgovara odlično šŸ˜‰
Zanimljive činjenice: Prvi kombinezon je kreirao italijanski dizajner Thayaht 1919. godine. Cilj mu je bio da kreira stilsku i modnu opremu za radničku klasu, kao kritiku tadaŔnje buržoazije. Plan mu je nažalost propao, nakon Ŕto je florentinska viŔa klasa otkrila njegov dizajn i učinila ga modnim predmetom te ere.
Od 1980-ih kombinezoni su neophodni u modnoj industriji.
    Jumpsuit, Boots: Zara
    Earings: H&M