March 2017 - Magic Contour

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 0
 Since my whole outfit is from Zara (except the bag) i wrote a few facts about the brand
 Interesting facts: Zara was originally called Zorba, but the bar near the store had the same name.    They had to change original name (to avoid any confusion). They used the lettering they had already  bought (zar) and added one more a to create Zara. The brand has its policy that doesn't include advertising. They invest money in opening new stores

S obzirom da je odevna kombinacija iz Zare (osim torbe) napisala sam par činjenica o brendu
Interesantne činjenice: Zara se prvobitno zvala Zorba, ali je bar nedaleko od prodavnice imao isto ime. Morali su da promene ime da ne bi došlo do neke zabune. Ikosristili su tri slova koja su već kupili (zar) i dodali jedno a da bi kreirali ime Zara. Brend ima svoju politiku koja ne uključuje reklamiranje. Oni umesto toga otvaraju nove prodavnice širom sveta

    Outfit: Zara
    Bag: Mona

    Location: Štrand, Novi Sad

Thursday, March 23, 2017

High Waisted Jeans

Thursday, March 23, 2017 0
High Waisted Jeans

  High waisted jeans are back in a big way. This type of jeans is my favorite because of the way in which they fit. They accentuate curves in the best way. They are flattering and modern looking.
Interesting fact: The high waisted jeans first came into style in 1940s, when the denim manufacturer Levi's produced jeans for women working on the land and in factories for the war effort.

  Farmerice sa visokim strukom su ponovo u modi. Ovaj model mi je omiljeni jer mi se dopada kako stoje. One naglašavaju obline na najbolji mogući način. Prijatne su za nošenje i lepo izgledaju.
Interesantna činjenica: Farmerice sa visokim strukom pojavile su se 1940.  kada je proizvođač džinsa Levi's proizveo farmerice za žene, koje su radile na polju i u fabrikama za potrebe rata

    Jenas - Zara (new collection)
    T-Shirt, Bomber jacket, shoes, bag - Zara

     Location - Dunavski Park, Novi Sad

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Furry Jacket

Thursday, March 09, 2017 0
Furry Jacket

   Jumper: H & M
   Jacket, Jeans, Shoes, Bag, Beanie - Zara