2017 - Magic Contour

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Oversized Blazer

Wednesday, November 01, 2017 0
Oversized Blazer
 I wore this slightly oversized blazer a few weeks back, while warmer weather was still in our region. It's a good statement piece, made out of classic. That is one of the basics of my style. I hope you like it 😉
  Blazer, Pants, Boots, Backpack - Zara
  Top - Stradivarius

Friday, October 27, 2017


Friday, October 27, 2017 0
I still have not found the "little black dress" but as a replacement I have this lovely jumpsuit. It has everything I like - elegance, lace, frill and it's comfortable. The last one is very important to me, because I am not one of those person who buys tight jeans and they hopping that they will loosen from wearing. That is the reason why I went one size bigger jumpsuit than my usual size S, because it was tight in the waist. The bigger size fits perfectly 😉
Fun Fact: The first jumpsuit which was meant as a fashion item was created in 1919 by the Italian artist and designer "thayaht". His goal was to design a stylish and fashionable outfit for the working class as a critique on the bourgeoisie of that time. Unfortunately, his plain failed after the Florentine upper class discovered his design and made in the fashion-item of that era.
Since the 1980s, jumpsuits are indispensable from the fashion industry. Even though it changed massively over the time, it's been trendy ever since.

Još uvek nisam našla "malu crnu haljinu" ali kao zamenu imam ovaj kombinezon. On ima sve što mi se dopada - elegantanciju, čipku, karnere i veoma je udoban. Ovo poslednje mi je najvažnije, jer ja nisam jedna od onih osoba koje kupuju uske farmerice i nadaju se da će im se malo raširiti tokom nošenja. Zbog toga sam kupila veći broj (moja uobičajena veličina je S ali me je malo stezala u struku). Broj M odgovara odlično 😉
Zanimljive činjenice: Prvi kombinezon je kreirao italijanski dizajner Thayaht 1919. godine. Cilj mu je bio da kreira stilsku i modnu opremu za radničku klasu, kao kritiku tadašnje buržoazije. Plan mu je nažalost propao, nakon što je florentinska viša klasa otkrila njegov dizajn i učinila ga modnim predmetom te ere.
Od 1980-ih kombinezoni su neophodni u modnoj industriji.
    Jumpsuit, Boots: Zara
    Earings: H&M

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Deep Blue

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 0
Deep Blue

    Top, Jeans: Zara (sale)
    Mules: Mango

    Location: Novi Sad

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pink Top

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 0
Pink Top
I am a big fan of frilly tops (as you can tell) :)
I have chosen some of my favorites at the moment. Check out the links in this post

Mnogo mi se dopadaju majice sa karnerima, što se vidi iz priloženog :). Izabrala sam neke od mojih omiljenih koje se trenutno mogu naći u prodavnicama. Linkovi su na kraju posta
    Zara outfit
    Slides: Zara Home (last season)
    Some of the tops that I also like:
    Mango 1
    Mango 2

    Watch: Daisy Dixon

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Flirty Skirt

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 0
Flirty Skirt
Some life situations are imposed on us and it is up to us to decide whether we will accept or ignore them. I always lead myself to read the signs along the way. I believe in that something...
The continuation of the text is not as dramatic as it may sound at first impression, but I wanted to make a small introduction for the text that follows.
I will describe a simple example of how I came to own this skirt. I went completely unplanned to the store, just to "kill the time", and I saw it.. love at first sight :D I liked it, but I had doubts, if I should take it, because I am more of a pants type of girl. I decided to return it to the place where I found it, and decided to give myself time until tomorrow to think it through. At that moment, I saw another woman looking at the remaining skirts (like mine) looking for a size. She asked the store lady if there were any left in her xs size, and the lady responds that there is one more somewhere in the store. And it was, in my hands :)
It is very comfortable for wearing, light and smooth. I like the cutouts on the sides. Olive green color perfectly goes with the cream details, (which I do not lack in my accessories items) so, I will have variety of options to combine it with
Hope you like this look

Neke životne situacije nam se nametnu a na nama je da li ćemo ih prihvatiti ili ignorisati. Uvek se vodim onim da čitam znakove pored puta. Verujem u ono nešto...
Nastavak teksta nije tako dramatičan kao što možda zvuči na prvu loptu, ali htela sam da napravim malu uvertiru za tekst koji sledi.
Opisaću banalan primer kako sam došla do ove suknje. Totalno neplanirano sam ušla u prodavnicu, čisto da "ubijem vreme", i onda sam ju ugledala, ljubav na prvi pogled :D Dopala mi se kako mi stoji ali sam se dvoumila da li da ju uzmem jer sam osoba koja više nosi pantalone. Reših da je vratim na mesto gde je stajala, ako se predomislim uzecu ju sutradan. U tom momentu videla sam ženu kako stoji kod preostalih suknji (istih kao moja) i traži veličinu. Pitala je prodavačicu da joj proveri da li ima xs  veličina. Ona joj kaže da je preostala još jedna, da je sigurno negde u prodavnici. I bila je, u mojim rukama :)
Veoma je prijatna za nošenje, lagana i lepršava. Dopadaju mi se izrezi sa strana.
Maslinasto zelena boja se lepo slaže  sa krem bojom (koja meni ne manjka što se asesoara tiče), tako da ću imati prostora da je ubuduće kombinujem

    Skirt, Top, Backpack - Zara
    Mules - Mango
    Watch - Daisy Dixon

    Location: Novi Sad

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Wednesday, June 21, 2017 0
This long, colorful shirt is a perfect way to complete a simple combination. It can be worn like a shirt, pareo for the beach, like light coat. Whatever you wish..
I think it's a great piece to greet the first day of summer with its tropical motives

Ova duga, šarena košulja je savršen način da se upotpuni jednostavna kombinacija. Može da se nosi kao košulja, pareo za plažu, lagani mantilić. Šta god poželite..
Mislim da je odličan komad da pozdravi prvi dan leta sa svojim tropskim motivima

    Shirt - Zara (current collection)
    Slides - Zara (current collection)
    Jeans - Zara (old)
    T-Shirt - Intimissimi
    Watch - Daisy Dixon

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Floral Trousers

Wednesday, June 07, 2017 0
Floral Trousers
    Few days ago I was wearing these super cute flowy trousers. They're so comfortable to wear, very suitable for these warmer days, if you don't want to show too much skin ;) Firstly, I paired them with sneakers but it was too warm, hence, I found these slides and I thought they would go nicely with trousers (because of the matching colors)
Both (trousers and slides) are current collection from Zara
Hope you like this look
Until next time .. 💓

  Pre par dana nosila sam ove preslatke lepršave pantalone. Veoma su udobne, pogodne za ove toplije dane, ako ne želite da pokažete previše kože ;) Najpre sam ih nosila sa patikama ali bilo je pretoplo pa sam kupila ove papuče koje su se lepo uklopile sa pantalonama
Pantalone i papuče su nova zarina kolekcija
Nadam se da vam se dopada ova kombinacija
Do sledećeg puta .. 💓

    T- Shirt - Zara 
    Trousers - Zara 
    Slides - Zara, Sneakers - Zara
    Bag -  Mona 
    Sunnies -  Accessorise
    Watch - Fossil (similar here )

    Location: Novi Sad, Petrovaradinska tvrđava

Friday, May 26, 2017

Pale Pink Top

Friday, May 26, 2017 0
Pale Pink Top

    Top: Zara (current collection)
    Jeans: Zara
    Bag: Mona
    Watch: Daisy Dixon 

    Location: Novi Sad

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Weekend Outfits

Sunday, May 21, 2017 0
Weekend Outfits
Here are some of the looks that I was wearing during the last weekend 😘
First look: Jeans, Shoes, T-Shirt: Mango
                Jacket: Zara
Second look: Jeans: Mango
                   Top: Zara
                   Shoes: Replay
                   Belt: Springfild

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Unstructured Suit

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 0
Unstructured Suit
This suit is suitable for work and relaxing days. I love this material because it's very comfortable to wear. You can dress it up or down, depending on the occasion (according to shoes). I've opted for sneakers because I had one of those 'relaxing days' :)

Ovo odelo je pogodno za posao i za dane opuštanja. Dopada mi se ovaj materijal jer je veoma udoban za nošenje. U zavisnosti od obuće koju nosite ono može da se prilagodi određenim prilikama. Opredelila sam se za patike jer sam imala jedan od onih 'opuštajućih dana' :)
    All outfit is from Zara
    Bag: Vera Pelle