I love long walks, where I can see and feel the beauty of autumn. Colorful leaves always catches my attention. As the green fades, the leaves other pigments shine throughout, such as red, orange and yellow. These colors are always in the pigmentation of tree leaves, but they are overpowered by the abundance of green from the chlorophyll in the leaves. When the Sun weakens and days grow shorter, the amount of chlorophyll in leaves diminishes, allowing the other pigments in the leaves to shine throughout.
For this (long) walk I've opted for these stylish yet comfy boots which compliment the ground :)
Sezona magle, šarenog lišća, pečenog kestenja, bundeva, rakije.
Volim duge šetnje gde mogu da vidim i osetim sve lepote jeseni. Najviše pažnje mi privlači šareno lišće. Kako zelenilo bledi, ostali pigmenti lišća izbijaju (crveni, narandžasti i žuti). Ove boje su uvek prisutne u lišću, ali su nadjačane obiljem zelene iz hlorofila. Kada Sunce slabi i dan postaje kraći, količina hlorofila u lisću opada i tako dozvoljava ostalim pigmentima u lišću da izbiju
Za ovu šetnju odlučila sam se za udobne čizme koje se odlično slažu sa podlogom :)
Shirt - Zara
Bag - Zara
Hat - Zara
Trousers, Boots - Zara
Belt - Accessorize
Oct 27, 2016